Wheelsandmore from Germany shows once more that they are playing in the big league with their latest spectacular car C45L.
The serial power from this Mercedes cl500 is for the most sportive drivers much to less. So wheelsandmore decided to create a tuning pack for this sportscoupe. Within a v-max abilition they tuned the performance up to 450 hp at 575lb-ft. A special exhaust system with 100cells sport catalysts, 4in1 manifold and a valve controlled rear silencer with serial endtips combinated with an ECU update is responsible for this incremental power.
With their LowMaXX electronic lowering module the look oft he car and the suspension setup is getting as sporty as the power upgrade.
Finishing the project they took their well known wheeldesign TS-1 Ultralight Forged in special sizes 9,5 + 10,5x21 with tyres 255/30/21 and 285/30/21 Dunlop Sportmaxx. All Wheelsandmore-rims are coming with stainles steel outer rims, high gloss consolidated centers and are customized as the client likes.

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